The best toys to stimulate language

The best toys to stimulate language

The best toys to stimulate language development are those that encourage exchanges in contexts that are meaningful to your child. Recreating the immediate world through play is fundamental to developing proper communication.
No toys on this list are specifically designed to teach vocabulary and are toys that your child probably already has.
It is important to take into account certain characteristics when we go to choose a toy so that in addition to entertaining the child, helps him in his development process.
Keep in mind that the toy is versatile, that is, it can be used in a variety of ways and during different stages of a child's development.
Also that they relate to meaningful and familiar experiences for your child (i.e., that everyday actions such as feeding, bathing, dressing can be reproduced).
They also help social interaction, i.e. toys that are fun to play with other children or parents.

Some examples:

Mr. Papa's face:
There are a variety of opportunities to work on the language with this toy as it includes many accessories. You can work on body parts, clothes, emotions, etc.

Blocks: blocks stimulate creativity and imagination. The child who plays with blocks reinforces symbolic play, sizes, shapes, colors, and problem solving, among others.

Casa de Muñecas /La Granja:ideal games to build imaginary scenarios (feed, build, clean) to work onomatopoeia, semantic fields, functionality of objects.

Musical Instruments: Music is excellent for the development of many areas of the brain that are directly involved in language development. It is excellent for the development of auditory discrimination, prosody, fine motor, coordination, creativity, imagination etc.

Board Games: with games such as Memory, Pictionary, Monopoly you can work taking turns, sequences, memory, problem solving, quantity concepts, etc.

These are just a few examples of the benefits you can get with accessible toys, many can even make them at home with waste material and as a family project. Remember that the important thing is not whether it is an expensive or exclusive toy but functional and fun.

Lic.RocioVargas Moya
Terapeuta del Lenguaje