
Santa's Speech Workshop

We are very happy to invite you to our Christmas workshop 2021 !!!! It will be held in our facilities in Oficentro Centauro, Guadalupe with a maximum capacity of 4 children and complying with all sanitary measures.

Our Christmas workshop consists of a series of play activities that stimulate speech and language development, comprehension skills, auditory processing, following instructions, social skills and more.

We have 3 age groups: children from 2 to 4 years old, from 4 to 6 years old and from 6 to 8 years old. Dates 8 - 9 and 10 December. Timetable from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.

For more information and bookings please contact us on 70928392 / 62025673

Investment 15 thousand colones .

Given by Lic. Rocío Vargas Moya and Lic. Andrea Segura Jiménez.

Online speech therapy (teletherapy)

Online speech therapy (teletherapy)

After a few months of offering the service of online speech therapy (teletherapy) and with all the alterations of our routines at a global level due to the Coronavirus, we have begun to notice much acceptance by children, parents and adult users to this alternative of therapeutic intervention.

This modality of language therapy is evidence-based and at the same time dynamic, playful, interactive and fun for children. There are many resources to keep them involved in the sessions and for the therapists it is an important way not to stop the therapeutic process by waiting until the face-to-face sessions can be resumed. The advantage of receiving teletherapy from the comfort of the home and with parents participating in the process makes it, due to current conditions, one of the most sought after options.

We offer online speech therapy services for children with speech sound disorders, stuttering, language developmental delay, apraxia, among others and also for adults with different diagnoses especially for people with stuttering, cluttering and different types of aphasia or age-associated language disorders or degenerative diseases. We also provide coaching sessions for parents of early intervention children and different workshops and schools for parents

As I mentioned in a previous article, online speech therapy is not new to the world; however, the confinement to which we have been exposed has led to more and more therapists training and providing their speech therapy services online for the population in need.

It is a great satisfaction to receive visits to our page from different areas of the world and to be able to have already active users of our online language therapy sessions for children and adults in areas such as Colombia, Mexico and Honduras. We have also been able to help other colleagues in Chile and Panama by advising them on the implementation of this type of therapy in their professional practices.

If you wish to consult about virtual language therapy samples, if you wish to know if the user meets the requirements to receive online therapy or more information about the platform and the resources we use, do not hesitate to contact us through our social networks, or at Whatsapp (506) 70928392.


Occupational Therapy and Sensory Integration

Occupational Therapy and Sensory Integration

Occupational therapy is a profession that promotes health and well-being through occupation. Its main objective is to enable people to participate in the activities of daily life"

Occupational therapy is applied through purposeful activities and its practice is evidence-based (EBP). These activities are designed with each person's interests in mind. It also provides the techniques and tools that the individual needs to perform in their daily activities. Support products can also be used depending on the needs of each person.

What is Sensory Integration?

Sensory Integration Therapy was developed in the 1970s by Occupational Therapist A. Jean Ayres, is designed to help children with sensory processing problems to overcome the difficulties they have in processing sensory stimuli.

The theory behind it is that over time the brain will adapt and allow children to process and react to sensations more efficiently.

Sensory integration therapy should be provided by a specially trained occupational therapist

Who is a candidate for Occupational Therapy?

Occupational therapy is comprehensive and therefore helps to treat a wide range of people. The Occupational Therapist assists and accompanies the person in this process, as well as with a young child who has difficulties in school or someone with a physical disability. It rehabilitates everything from the muscles to any normal action of daily life, such as combing one's hair or riding a bus.

In the case of children it is important that the intervention in Occupational Therapy starts early to obtain effective results in a shorter time. When dealing with a child it is not only important to select an appropriate intervention method, but also to inform, contain and accompany the family.

Occupational Therapy and Sensory Integration Services 

We work with children who present sequelae or difficulties caused by:

  • Sensory Integration Disorder
  • Developmental Delay
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Learning difficulties
  • Immaturity in gross and fine motoring
  • Dyspraxia
  • Developmental Coordination Disorder
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Discography
  • Difficulties in writing
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Behavioural difficulties
  • Down syndrome
  • Intellectual disability
  • Epilepsy
  • West Syndrome
  • Dandy-Walke Syndrome
  • Hydrocephalus
  • Hemiparesis

If you would like to know more about Occupational Therapy or Speech Therapy services, please contact us. We have multiple options and professionals who can provide the help you need.

Visit to learn more about the work of occupational therapists Adriana Carrillo Zeledón and Viviana Castro Herra

Whatsapp Seven Senses Occupational Therapy: 83823229

Whatsapp Language Therapist: 70928392

Structure Stuttering Webinar

Structure Stuttering Webinar

Structure Second Stuttering Webinar 2020

Theoretical approach Intervention Models Analysis of clinical cases
Updated evaluation with SSI-IV test Cognitive-Behavioral Approach for Speech Therapists Attendee participation


Structure Stuttering Webinar

Block 1

Theoretical Approach
Standardized and non-standardized tests

Block 2

Child and adolescent intervention models

Principles of the Cognitive-Behavioral Approach

Block 3

Analysis of clinical cases
Participation of course attendees

Sunday 18th October
10:00 am to 5:00 pm

It includes:
Virtual Certificate of Participation
Course handouts in PDF


3 blocks $70

Given by :

Licda Rocío Vargas Moya

Speech Therapist, Santa Paula University

Specialization in Speech Disorders Universidad de Concepción Chile

Certified by the Stuttering Foundation, USA

Certificate in Cognitive Behavioural Approach for people with stuttering, Boston University, USA

Certified in the Palin PCI Method by Michael Palin Centre, London

Private practice, virtual therapies and school-based therapy

Method of payment

In the name of María del Rocío Vargas Moya

Document 109710921

Sinpemobile colones 70928392

IBAN account dollars CR32010200009421591128

Payment Deadline 

October 15, 2020


To book please

Send the following information in one message to Whatsapp 70928392

  1. proof of payment, full name, modules you want to register, ID number, phone number and email





Covid-19 Prevention Health and Safety Protocol for Speech Therapy Services

Covid-19 Prevention Health and Safety Protocol for Speech Therapy Services

The following are the safety guidelines that will be implemented in our therapy room with respect to the hygiene rules for the prevention of Covid-19.

1)Schedule your appointment in advance as appointments during May 1-15 are limited.
2)Users must wash their hands before entering the session as well as when the therapist considers it convenient within the therapy room.
3) Belongings such as sweaters, toys, and other objects must remain outside the therapy room. Adults should attend with as few belongings as possible
4)Only the user can enter the therapy room. Your caregivers or companions will have to wait outside in the waiting room or the surroundings where they can maintain the recommended 1.8 meters of social distance with the exception of the evaluation processes.
5) At the end of the session we will answer your questions in the waiting room or later by Whastapp or call if they are longer than 5 minutes.
6) Users must remove their shoes when entering the therapy room.
7) Remember the non-contact greeting protocol and the cough and sneeze protocol.
8) No one with a fever, respiratory symptoms or a cold is allowed in the therapy room.
9) As far as possible cancel the cost of the appointments by means of mobile phone, electronic transfer. However, if any of these means of payment are difficult for you, payment by card or cash will always be available.

We appreciate the compliance of these safety guidelines for all, therapists and users of our services.

Teletherapy: speech therapy in the time of the coronavirus

Teletherapy: speech therapy in the time of the coronavirus

Teletherapy is the latest addition to the field of speech therapy. It has gained popularity in recent years. It is an innovative service delivery, helping to reach people in remote areas or people who find it difficult to attend face-to-face sessions.

Teletherapy was approved by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) as an appropriate method of service delivery in 2005, stating that "tele-practice is an appropriate service delivery model for the speech-language pathology [and audiology] professions. Telepractice can be used to overcome barriers to accessing services caused by distance, unavailability of specialists and/or subspecialists and decreased mobility".

ASHA defines tele-practice as "the application of telecommunications technology for the provision of professional services at a distance by linking doctor to client, or doctor to doctor, for assessment, intervention and/or consultation". Telepractice generally occurs in real time and "face to face" with a therapist via online video conferencing.

Due to the difficulties we are experiencing in these months with the threat of coronavirus, we have managed to implement online therapy services for our patients especially to not lose the progress we have made so far and to give continuity to the therapeutic processes.

Children participate in real-time activities that provide fun, interactive interactions for them. The session can be recorded and then viewed by parents to stay involved in their child's progress.

It should be mentioned that some users may not benefit from teletherapy in the same way as face-to-face therapy, so it is necessary to assess whether it is an effective method for each person according to their individual characteristics.

If you are interested in having us bring these sessions to your home, do not hesitate to contact us!

 "Evaluation and Intervention of Stuttering" San José (1 day)

 "Evaluation and Intervention of Stuttering" San José (1 day)

 "Evaluation and Intervention of Stuttering"

Saint Joseph

Thank you for your interest in the 2019 course "New Trends in Stuttering Assessment and Intervention". This is a theoretical-practical course that presents important updates with respect to the 2018 course, especially in the area of evaluation and intervention.

This course covers 5 basic areas to understand the new treatment model for stuttering.

  1. Theoretical Bases of Stuttering. It is important to master the updated theoretical framework in order to understand stuttering, know what to expect, and how to accompany the person who stutters.
  2. Evaluation and Diagnosis of Stuttering. A properly conducted evaluation allows us to recognize the characteristics of each user, develop an appropriate intervention plan and measure progress.
  3. Early Intervention. Early intervention is critical to the recovery of fluidity in young children and should identify which approach to use with each user.
  4. Intervention in schoolchildren. When children are older, the focus changes as we must take into account that the school environment is more demanding.
  5. Intervention in adolescents and adults.When stuttering persists for years, we must have the necessary tools to accompany the user in his intervention.


General Information Stuttering Course CARTAGO 2019

New trends in stuttering assessment and intervention".


Thank you for your interest in the 2019 course "New Trends in Stuttering Assessment and Intervention". This is a theoretical-practical course that presents important updates with respect to the 2018 course, especially in the area of evaluation and intervention.

This course covers 5 basic areas to understand the new treatment model for stuttering.

  1. Theoretical Bases of Stuttering. It is important to master the updated theoretical framework in order to understand stuttering, know what to expect, and how to accompany the person who stutters.
  2. Evaluation and Diagnosis of Stuttering. A properly conducted evaluation allows us to recognize the characteristics of each user, develop an appropriate intervention plan and measure progress.
  3. Early Intervention. Early intervention is critical to the recovery of fluidity in young children and should identify which approach to use with each user.
  4. Intervention in schoolchildren. When children are older, the focus changes as we must take into account that the school environment is more demanding.
  5. Intervention in adolescents and adults.When stuttering persists for years, we must have the necessary tools to accompany the user in his intervention.
  6. Contents


General Information SAN JOSÉ 2019 Stuttering Course

General Information SAN JOSÉ 2019 Stuttering Course

New trends in stuttering assessment and intervention

Thank you for your interest in the 2019 course "New Trends in Stuttering Assessment and Intervention". This is a theoretical-practical course that presents important updates with respect to the 2018 course, especially in the area of evaluation and intervention.

This course covers 5 basic areas to understand the new treatment model for stuttering.

  1. Theoretical Bases of Stuttering. It is important to master the updated theoretical framework in order to understand stuttering, know what to expect, and how to accompany the person who stutters.


  1. Evaluation and Diagnosis of Stuttering. A properly conducted evaluation allows us to recognize the characteristics of each user, develop an appropriate intervention plan and measure progress.
