When my son turned 7 months of age we sensed that he was drooling excessively (sialorrhea). With our previous son we had not experienced any difficulty in this aspect. Many people thought it was normal because of the teething process but did not think it was normal to get so wet. He sensed that more than excess saliva, as many thought, could be a difficulty in swallowing it. As a speech therapist I knew that to help him I had to strengthen his orofacial musculature (tongue, palate veil, cheeks, etc.) since drooling could be the product of hypotonic muscles. Many times moms worried more than they should but I didn't really want to risk any difficulty in the development of their speech and for this reason we implemented two exercises very easy to do at home. 1. I decided to teach him how to drink with a straw. To start you can use a small tetrabrik straw juice (there are many options on the market). How do we get the baby who drinks from a bottle or breast to learn to drink with a straw? Very easy ! Little by little you should press the container until small amounts of juice come out. Your child will quickly learn to suck to get the juice, to swallow and will understand the process. Once the child begins to drink from the container with straw gradually press the straw in order to exert force on his musculature trying to suck the juice. The straw exercise strengthens the tongue, so that it is able to carry the saliva to the back of the mouth to be swallowed . Another very effective technique is the electric toothbrush , obviously appropriate for the size of your small mouth .
The electric toothbrush inside your mouth: cheeks, tongue and gums two or three times a day helps to increase the sensitivity of the mouth and that increase makes the child more aware of his drooling. You can also use an always small vibrator.
The combination of both exercises can be the solution of drooling in your little one ! It worked for me, if you decide to try it at home tell us how it goes ! You can send us videos and photos and thus share your experience with all of us.
