I write this article thinking of all those moms who say things like this in the consultation: "to be able to rest I put her to watch TV", "see how well she behaves when she watches TV", "the nanny sleeps it like this, with the TV on" or "the grandmother takes care of it and since she is so tired, they watch a lot of TV". If your child does not yet speak and loves to watch TV, it is very likely that this is a key factor in changing the environment in which it develops. The general recommendation is to try not to expose them to it before the age of two, since it is associated with the appearance of delays in language development and neuronal alterations due to the prolonged exposure of some images and changes in light and colour; but it is also necessary to be realistic. In many of our homes young children are exposed to it for different reasons. This is why instead of totally eliminating it from our lives I recommend turning it into a tool. I explain it with a real-life example: you are tired after a day's work, you decide that you want to rest for a while and sit your child down to see something he likes. While the child is focused, you check his Facebook, answer messages, end the program and get up. This was wasted time for your son because at that time he received information but there was no reciprocity in the communication. If, on the other hand, you share what he or she is seeing and comment on things like: what is Mickey doing? Where did they go? What color is her dress? See what dinosaur is bigger! Does it look big or small to you? And a while later they comment again; at that moment television becomes a learning tool and your child will have taken advantage of the time sharing his world with you and exercising his communication skills. The same principle applies to tablets and cell phones. My recommendation is to use them with measure (less than two hours a day and in short intervals) and always supervise and accompany. If it is impossible for you to accompany your child, it is better to engage in another activity . Remember that the secret is to turn your "enemies" into friends.