Teletherapy: speech therapy in the time of the coronavirus

Teletherapy: speech therapy in the time of the coronavirus

Teletherapy is the latest addition to the field of speech therapy. It has gained popularity in recent years. It is an innovative service delivery, helping to reach people in remote areas or people who find it difficult to attend face-to-face sessions.

Teletherapy was approved by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) as an appropriate method of service delivery in 2005, stating that "tele-practice is an appropriate service delivery model for the speech-language pathology [and audiology] professions. Telepractice can be used to overcome barriers to accessing services caused by distance, unavailability of specialists and/or subspecialists and decreased mobility".

ASHA defines tele-practice as "the application of telecommunications technology for the provision of professional services at a distance by linking doctor to client, or doctor to doctor, for assessment, intervention and/or consultation". Telepractice generally occurs in real time and "face to face" with a therapist via online video conferencing.

Due to the difficulties we are experiencing in these months with the threat of coronavirus, we have managed to implement online therapy services for our patients especially to not lose the progress we have made so far and to give continuity to the therapeutic processes.

Children participate in real-time activities that provide fun, interactive interactions for them. The session can be recorded and then viewed by parents to stay involved in their child's progress.

It should be mentioned that some users may not benefit from teletherapy in the same way as face-to-face therapy, so it is necessary to assess whether it is an effective method for each person according to their individual characteristics.

If you are interested in having us bring these sessions to your home, do not hesitate to contact us!

 "Evaluation and Intervention of Stuttering" San José (1 day)

 "Evaluation and Intervention of Stuttering" San José (1 day)

 "Evaluation and Intervention of Stuttering"

Saint Joseph

Thank you for your interest in the 2019 course "New Trends in Stuttering Assessment and Intervention". This is a theoretical-practical course that presents important updates with respect to the 2018 course, especially in the area of evaluation and intervention.

This course covers 5 basic areas to understand the new treatment model for stuttering.

  1. Theoretical Bases of Stuttering. It is important to master the updated theoretical framework in order to understand stuttering, know what to expect, and how to accompany the person who stutters.
  2. Evaluation and Diagnosis of Stuttering. A properly conducted evaluation allows us to recognize the characteristics of each user, develop an appropriate intervention plan and measure progress.
  3. Early Intervention. Early intervention is critical to the recovery of fluidity in young children and should identify which approach to use with each user.
  4. Intervention in schoolchildren. When children are older, the focus changes as we must take into account that the school environment is more demanding.
  5. Intervention in adolescents and adults.When stuttering persists for years, we must have the necessary tools to accompany the user in his intervention.


General Information Stuttering Course CARTAGO 2019

New trends in stuttering assessment and intervention".


Thank you for your interest in the 2019 course "New Trends in Stuttering Assessment and Intervention". This is a theoretical-practical course that presents important updates with respect to the 2018 course, especially in the area of evaluation and intervention.

This course covers 5 basic areas to understand the new treatment model for stuttering.

  1. Theoretical Bases of Stuttering. It is important to master the updated theoretical framework in order to understand stuttering, know what to expect, and how to accompany the person who stutters.
  2. Evaluation and Diagnosis of Stuttering. A properly conducted evaluation allows us to recognize the characteristics of each user, develop an appropriate intervention plan and measure progress.
  3. Early Intervention. Early intervention is critical to the recovery of fluidity in young children and should identify which approach to use with each user.
  4. Intervention in schoolchildren. When children are older, the focus changes as we must take into account that the school environment is more demanding.
  5. Intervention in adolescents and adults.When stuttering persists for years, we must have the necessary tools to accompany the user in his intervention.
  6. Contents


General Information SAN JOSÉ 2019 Stuttering Course

General Information SAN JOSÉ 2019 Stuttering Course

New trends in stuttering assessment and intervention

Thank you for your interest in the 2019 course "New Trends in Stuttering Assessment and Intervention". This is a theoretical-practical course that presents important updates with respect to the 2018 course, especially in the area of evaluation and intervention.

This course covers 5 basic areas to understand the new treatment model for stuttering.

  1. Theoretical Bases of Stuttering. It is important to master the updated theoretical framework in order to understand stuttering, know what to expect, and how to accompany the person who stutters.


  1. Evaluation and Diagnosis of Stuttering. A properly conducted evaluation allows us to recognize the characteristics of each user, develop an appropriate intervention plan and measure progress.


Speech Workshop :Play and Learn

Speech Workshop :Play and Learn

The Language Therapist team is pleased to introduce you to our next language workshop: Play and Learn where parents and children will enjoy and learn equally. Paola Alvarado Cubero and will be supported by Lic Rocío Vargas, both language therapists. Each session lasts 60 minutes, starting at 3:00 pm and ending at 4:00 pm. Afterwards we will have time for a small snack and conversation.

Our office is located in Oficentro Centauro, Office #208. South side of the Catholic Clinic, Guadalupe.

 Who is the workshop for?

To parents whose children have below-average expressive skills or wish to enhance their children's language skills. Age range 2 to 3 years.

What are the benefits of the workshop?

The workshop focuses on providing parents with strategies to develop the language of the 2 to 3 year old child through play activities.

  • Stimulates the development of oral language through play, listening and imitation.
  • Encourages play and imagination at an early age.
  • Some children find it difficult to keep their attention, and these kinds of activities help them exercise their attention.
  • Helps children identify their emotions and those of others, developing empathy and self-esteem.
  • It reinforces the bonds of affection and trust with their parents.


New Courses in Language Therapist : General Information

New Courses in Language Therapist : General Information

The Language Therapist team is pleased to introduce you to our next Infant Massage course. The course will be taught by Lic. Paola Alvarado Cubero, certified instructor in infant massage on Sunday 10, 17, 24, March 31 and April 7. The duration of each session is 60 minutes starting at 9:00 am.


Our office is located in Oficentro Centauro, Office #208. South side of the Catholic Clinic, Guadalupe.


What are the benefits of infant massage?


Among the benefits of massage for the baby are


  • Strengthens your immune system.
  • It benefits the digestive system.
  • Contributes to the development of the respiratory system.
  • It favors the circulatory system.
  • It boosts the development of your neurological system.
  • It favors the endocrine system.
  • Strengthens your immune system.
  • It benefits the digestive system.
  • Contributes to the development of the respiratory system.
  • It favors the circulatory system.
  • It boosts the development of your neurological system.
  • It favors the endocrine system.
  • It benefits the muscular system.
  • It teaches them to relax.
  • It helps them to know their own body facilitating the integration of the body schema.
  • Provides security.
  • Tightens the bonds of affection
  • Encourages communication with the outside world.
  • It facilitates the expression of their feelings.
