I often get calls from mothers who are concerned that their children don't talk enough but aren't sure how much they should talk. I always try to reassure them that all children are different and have their own pace but I also explain that there are certain parameters that can guide them to make sure everything is going well:

1) At the age of one year the child should understand at least 50 words and in the expressive area say 1 to 3 words.

2) At 18 months you should understand at least 200 words and say 20 to 50 words.

3) At two years should comprise 500 words, express at least 50 and also start the productions of two words.

If your child is a healthy child, without any health condition that affects his or her language and you consider that he or she does not have these characteristics, there may be some factor that is interfering with his or her correct development and evaluation by a professional is recommended. In an upcoming article I will delve into some other developmental milestones that must also be present in every age range and are important to let us know if something is wrong. Remember that early intervention is more successful than late diagnosis.